How far along? 26w2d
Gender: Girl
Weight Gain? 17 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Maternity clothes for the win, especially on bottom. Tops I am still able to fit into most of my regular stuff.
Stretch Marks? None!
Belly button in or out? In but starting to flatten out.
Sleep: Great!
Best moment this week: Although we ran all over hell, Thanksgiving was great. It was exhausting and I'm not sure next year having a 9 month old baby I will be able to run as much, but it was great to see everyone. We got to see lots of family this year that we rarely ever get a chance to be with. We also cut down our tree which was so fun, it's one of my favorite traditions. This year we got a huge tree and it looks so beautiful, you can see more on my Instagram. Also we finally made it into the double digits until our due date if she decides to come on time.
Worst moment this week: Just the general exhaustion of the weekend. Also not getting to indulge in any cocktails was kind of a bummer!
Symptoms: Still lots of lower back pain, getting tired quicker, nothing too serious or alarming yet.
Miss Anything? I'll say it again, holiday cocktails...
Movement? Movement continues to increase which is great!
Cravings? Just the regular, sweets.
Queasy or sick? Noting at all!
Looking forward to? I have a hair cut and a doctors appointment this week and another prenatal massage next week. Also my aunt asked me what she could get me for my shower since she lives in Texas and won't be able to make it. She is very generous and said she would buy us our rocker which I am soo excited for. Joe is going to do some work in the nursery for me too as far as getting things hung up on the walls & the closet assembled. I told him I want to work on it as much as possible now while I still have energy. I know I will have to wait on a lot of things until after the shower, but if we can get as much as possible done now I will be happy.