How far along? 8w4d
Total weight gain? Again, no idea. I go for my first OB appointment on 8/11 and I imagine they'll take my weight at that time & I'll be able to start tracking that.
Maternity Clothes? None yet
Stretch Marks? None
Sleep? I've been sleeping pretty well. I'm still always tired, but I did get some Unisom to help on those restless nights if I need it.
Best Moment this Week? We had our 8 week ultrasound today and the baby is growing like a weed, finally starting to take some shape and look like a baby!
Have you told your friends? Yes of course!
Miss Anything? Caffeine, alcohol, hot dogs!
Movement? Nothing yet but my mom and I got to see the babe wiggling around in today's ultrasound.
Food Cravings? Not craving anything specific anymore, I'm just hungry all the time so all food sounds amazing. I am a big candy person so there have been some types of candy that have sounded amazing lately though.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing! I've been so blessed to not have any sickness or queasiness at all!
Have you started to show? Nope, in the above picture the belly is from a brownie a la mode I had!
Gender prediction? I still think boy! Gender reveal is set for Labor Day Weekend!!
Labor Signs? No
Belly button in or Out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody? Still pretty moody most days.
Looking forward to? Next Friday is our last appointment with our RE, I'm sad that I won't see them weekly anymore, but I am looking forward to our 3D ultrasound they're going to do!
At our appointment today (8w4d) baby was measuring at 8w6d and had a heart rate of 169bpm, it's increased each week and our doctor is very happy with how everything is looking. He says everything is right on track where it should be!