First and foremost, again, I just have to take a moment to extend a sincere thank you to those of you who I'm still getting messages, emails, & texts from so many people! All of the sharing that I've done of some very private things has certainly paid off. The outpouring of support that we are receiving will never cease to amaze me.
Once again today, I was overcome by the love & support of so many. I came home to find a package in my mailbox from a jewelry company, & thought to myself, what on Earth did I order now that I forgot about? I opened it up to find a small box containing a Good Luck Fertility Necklace with a wishbone charm on it along with a pomegranate colored pearl & a white stone. I read the message inside & was so unbelievably surprised when I read who it was from. I would never put it past this girl to do something so sweet for someone she doesn't know all that well. She's known Joe a long time & I'm so grateful to her that she was so kind to think of us. She is probably the most thoughtful and nice girl I've ever met, and that's not an exaggeration. The package was from both her and her boyfriend who is equally as nice of a person. I can't thank them both enough for thinking of us as we're going through this. It once again goes to show that even though there are people you expected to hear from, but didn't, there are people you didn't expect to hear from & do. Thank you both Elizabeth & Justin for the heartfelt gift! (Hope you guys don't mind me putting you on the spot!)

We did make it to Galena this weekend, a little later in the day than originally planned, but we had a really nice time, the weather was amazing, & it turned out to be a lot of fun. Eagle Ridge is always beautiful, but this time we ended up in a villa rather than at the inn, which was great. Next time I'd like to bring some of our own food, and more board games and stay the entire weekend. It was a two bedroom with a fully stocked kitchen, a fireplace, a grill, two bathrooms, washer/dryer, seriously, it had everything! It had an amazing view too.
We ended up getting ready & hitting the Eagle Ridge pub for a few cocktails and dinner. We headed back to the villa and watched Amityville Horror on AMC for a little while in front of the nice warm fire, having a few more drinks, then hit the hay. We were all tired and full from dinner.
this was taken at about 7AM, it was around 25 degrees outside & that was frost on
the golf course, it was a cold morning!
Sunday morning we got up, went into town & had breakfast, played in some of the shops, then took my parents to Chestnut Mountain the ski resort to ride the Alpine Slide. It was so much fun. Joe thought that he could beat me, but ended up going a little too fast around a curve & went off the track, hit his head, & ended up chasing his sled which ended up on my track, about 100 ft before he caught it and got back on. I didn't even see it happen because I was kicking his ass right outta the gate! We headed home after that & relaxed the rest of the evening.
It turned out to be a beautiful weekend! I'm not sure how many more we will get like this before it turns to winter. This weekend we are headed to VEGAS! I just started packing today. Can't wait to see these two get married. We are going to have such a blast!
58 days til Christmas!