Well, it’s official, I AM PREGNANT!! Our first beta was yesterday which came in on the very high side at 967! Lots of people are suggesting a possible embryo split resulting in twins, but I am still hoping for a singleton. No matter how many babies are in there, it’s a true blessing.
I was pretty confident it was going to be negative. The first few days I was feeling really optimistic, thinking, this has to be it, but the last few days I was very crabby and just felt like AF was on her way. I had cramping from 3dpt pretty heavy through about 8dpt. After that they started to subside quite a bit but these were like cramps I had never felt before. They were very intense, not like what I normally experience during my period so I was hopeful it was a good sign of implantation. I had no spotting at all. I have had sore boobs this entire time, but that started several days before transfer when we started progesterone injections. That PIO is the devil as it mimics pregnancy symptoms pretty well.
I went to the hospital at 6am Monday for my blood draw then headed straight to work to wait for the dreaded call. I emailed my IVF nurse to tell her that I had my test done & that she would only get my HCG level same day as our local lab cannot process progesterone & estrogen same day. She said she’d be on the lookout for the results, about 3 hours later at 10am I got the email that changed my life, one like I’ve never received before:
“Congratulations! It’s good and positive! Your hcg is 967. We would like you to repeat it again on Thursday to make sure your levels go up.”
I seriously had to read it 3 or 4 times before I comprehended what she was saying. I couldn’t believe the beta was so high! I immediately called Joe although I knew that he wouldn’t answer being that he works out in the field so I sent him a text with the number & to tell him we were definitely pregnant. I also sent a message to some of my closest friends & moms, TTC sisters, etc. and I was immediately flooded with phone calls. Everyone was shocked & so happy. I ended up taking a half day vacation and left at 10:30 and went over to my friend Jessica’s house. We went to lunch and to Target, she bought me 2 outfits, one for a boy & one for a girl, and I bought pregnancy tests of course! We headed over to another friend of ours to hang out for a few hours so that we could all bask in me finally being pregnant!
I went home and immediately took the pregnancy test. It’s been close to 3 years since I’ve seen a positive on a pregnancy test and I’ve never seen one on a digital before so it was a true sight to see. It flashed “pregnant” and then “2-3” and I couldn’t believe it! I immediately rummaged through my box of baby stuff I have collected to find my “Worth the Wait” onesie from Urban Baby Co and set it out on the counter for Joe to see when he got home. He didn’t end up getting my message until about 4 hours after I sent it because where they were working had such poor cell service. He was very excited. He brought home and orchid (my favorite flower & our wedding flower) and some Reese’s peanut butter cups, so thoughtful of him. Later on some friends came over with a cigar & a book about whiskey for Joe.
We decided that we would tell our other family members (like Joe’s other siblings, my aunts, etc. that we are close with) via text since everyone knew we were going through this. We didn’t really feel like telling people in person was necessary. If this would’ve been a natural conception it would be a totally different ball game, but I was getting messages all day on Instagram and Facebook of people asking what was going on so we decided to spill the beans right away, especially with our strong beta. We know that so many things can happen and that we aren’t out of the woods yet, but this is the farthest we’ve ever come by a long shot & we really felt it was a great reason to celebrate.
We are so so thankful and grateful to everyone for their continued support. The outpouring of love that we have been receiving with our announcement has just been so overwhelmingly amazing. We are blessed with the MOST AMAZING support group and I wish I could thank everyone personally who has stuck by us for these 5 long years. This has been an exhausting journey but we were so determined and never felt like we needed to give up. We are also beyond grateful for our donor who without her, this would not even be happening right now. We owe her everything! We are so excited to embark on this new journey!