Love this quote so much because it's so true. We have made sacrifices, and we have done things we never thought we'd have to do, to get where we are today, and we still aren't exactly where we want to be, but we are getting so close.
Everything went perfect at our baseline ultrasound appointment. Things looked good and it was probably the fastest ultrasound that I've had so far. We got our medication schedule and are set to start injections on Sunday, 100mg in the AM and 100mg in the PM until next Thursday the 3rd when I go back for my follow up ultrasound. I'm not really worried at all about my response to the FSH. I used the lowest dose, (75mg) once a day for five days and I ended up with 22 follicles, so I'm sure with a bigger dose twice a day, I should have plenty of eggs to fertilize.
One thing that we had done that is offered to patients who have had a miscarriage is blood testing to check for different diseases. Two of the seven tests are genetic tests and one of my tests came back positive as a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis. I don't have anyone in my family with any form of Cystic Fibrosis, but I am a carrier. The next step is having Joe tested. We both had our blood drawn again at the appointment. We are hoping that Joe is not a carrier. If he is then our embryos will have to be sent off to a genetics lab after three days of growth where they will test them for the same mutation. The positive side is that this testing can be done and we can eliminate any embryos that are also carriers. We are hopeful that Joe IS NOT a carrier in which case we won't have to do any further testing. It was a little scary getting this news. Of course I took right to WebMD and found that if both the father and the mother are carriers then there is a 25% the baby will have it, there is a 25% chance it won't have it, and there is a 50% chance that the baby will also be a carrier. So fingers crossed that Joe comes back clean! I will be sure to update as soon as we find out.
Just like seeing the building of our forever home finally become a reality, this too is such a surreal feeling. I can't believe how close we are to getting that BFP. I am so hopeful and am going to be as positive as possible. I know that if it were to end up negative I would be let down very hard, but I just don't feel like being cautiously optimistic, I feel like being certain that this will work.