Sunday, August 28, 2016

13 Weeks

How far along?  13w1d

Total weight gain?  About 115 pounds, not much weight gain yet.

Maternity Clothes?  None yet

Stretch Marks?  Nope

Sleep?  Sleep is getting better, energy is getting better, constant hunger is subsiding.

Best Moment this Week?  Finally entering into the last week of my first trimester!  I missed my first OB appointment on Friday which is so unlike me!  Had to reschedule for about 2 weeks from now.

Have you told your friends?  Yes of course!  

Miss Anything?  Not really, being able to take medicine I guess.  I really could've used a decongestant this week!

Movement?  Nothing yet.

Food Cravings?  Anything chocolate!

Anything make you queasy or sick?  Not a thing!  

Have you started to show?  Just a tiny bit.

Gender prediction?  Still going with boy!  We find out Saturday!

Labor Signs?  No

Belly button in or Out?  In

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Happy or moody?  Moodiness is decreasing, finally!  I think everyone will be happy to see this symptom finally go away.

Looking forward to?  Our gender reveal is this coming weekend and I cannot wait!  Let the planning being!  


  1. I'm so jealous of you getting your energy back and no morning sickness. 22 weeks and 2 days here and tried going off of my morning sickness meds last week and ended up throwing up. Still no energy back but that also could have to do with my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Because of both of those I never really had energy prior to pregnancy, the fatigue just got worse with pregnancy. So maybe I'm just forgetting I never had energy in the first place or maybe because I have both of those, I just will never get any energy during pregnancy. I can't wait to read about your gender reveal party!!!

  2. Agh! Can't wait to find out gender. Still thinking boy myself too!

  3. Ahhh I'm so excited to read these posts, lady! Color me sentimental, but there's something so wonderful about reading the culmination of your journey here :) I'm sure you feel exactly the same! And I'm still calling boy haha

  4. That little bump is precious!! Can't wait to find out!

  5. I cannot WAIT to find out what you're having! Yes, having to watch the medications you take is hard when pregnant. I still have that problem breastfeeding. And I love your teeny tiny bump!

  6. You are killing me with the gender!!! I need to know!

  7. oh my gosh how exciting that you find out the sex this week!! i'm glad your moodiness is decreasing, and sleep and energy is getting better!


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