So I thought I would round up the products we have been using most over the last several months. These are things that we have gotten tons of use of and things that we have gotten the most questions about when I share them on my Instagram stories or on a post.
As we all know there are literally a billion different products out there so these may not work for you, however these have all be total hits either with Georgia or with mama!
When it came time to start introducing Georgia to a sippy or straw I didn't really have preference but I knew I wanted her to try both. I saw in a mommy Facebook group I am in that this cup was stainless steel and didn't contain any harmful BPA or other crap that plastic can sometimes contain so we opted for this Pura Kika Stainless Steel Cup in pink swirl. What I really like about it is it comes with a silicone straw or sippy so you can use it both ways! It's also nice because it's spill proof! It's also slim so it fits into all of the pockets of our diaper bag too!
Before Georgia was even born my best friend Jodie was buying her tons of gifts the Zany Zoo was one of them and now that Georgia is a little bigger, we brought it out and she's been playing with it quite a bit. Since she's still not walking or standing by herself yet she also uses it to cruise on, she'll go from the Zany Zoo over to her walker and then her Learn & Groove Activity Table which is also a big hit in our house!
This Vtech Sit-to-Stand Walker is what Georgia has been using for months now. She can practically run with this thing. I'm hoping to see her walking on her own soon but for now she gets along just fine with her walker.
Georgia got My Pal Violet as a Christmas present and it's been a total hit! It sings to her and plays games, the best part about it is its customizable through your phone. It will spell and say her name & you can input their favorite color, animal, and food for Level 1. As they get older there's most customizing you can do based on their age. This also has a bed time music feature that will play for 5, 10, or 15 minutes and I use this a lot when I'm rocking her to sleep.
I have mentioned this a few times but we still love the Space Saver Highchair. We have a breakfast bar on our island with 3 stools and we just put this on one of the stools so it doesn't take up any extra space. The cover comes off and is washable too. Georgia loves to watch me while I cook so I put her in her chair, give her a snack, and I can get dinner cooked while she watches. We listen to music sometimes and she likes to dance and stuff string cheese in her face. This was definitely one of our most used items and it was something that I registerd for and got at my shower.
Our donor texted me around Georgia's birthday and asked if I cared if she bought Georgia a Ball Pit for her birthday. Of course I did not mind and I thought it was so sweet that she wanted to give something to G for her birthday. It was the perfect gift because as soon as we opened it Georgia started her new "oooo ooo" noise and was so excited. She absolutely loves it!
Another birthday gift Georgia got was the Fisher Price Camper. Georgia loves it and I think it's absolutely adorable. We love camping and it's something we are hoping to do a lot with Georgia and our family over the years. This little camper has 2 little people and a dog, the inside has a firepit and a couple of little lawn chairs. It's really cute and it's one of her newest favorites.
What were your 12 month favorites for your little?
What were your 12 month favorites for your little?
Jack is two now and still loves the zany zoo!