First off let me just say that at this moment in time I am NOT pregnant, as my blog title my suggest. I've been considering blogging for awhile now, but never had a real reason to. I thought I would start when I got engaged, but realized that wedding planning took up entirely too much time. So now that things have settled, I figured this is the perfect time to start.
Joe and I have been married for around 8 months. We are in baby-making mode & also house-building mode. Right now it's Joe & I and our pug Frank, or as I like to call him, Frankie J, Beezy Weezy, B's and several other ridiculous names that I say in high pitched voices.

We own 1.5 acres very near the Little Vermillion River and are planning to build on it starting next year. So many things to consider when building a home, starting first with the layout. After paging through thousands of plans online and in books, we decided we would draw up our own plans. Now we are in the process of clearing the lot & prepping it to break ground by 2013. Now that the layout has been settled on & close to being finalized, the fun part of decorating, painting, & interior designing comes in & what an overwhelming experience it has been & will be! You can view my pinboard of ideas on Pinterest here: Building Our Dream Home. I can't wait to start picking out furniture, paint colors, appliances, tile, cabinetry, & all the other thousands of details that come along with building. We took our engagement photos at our property where our house was to be built, then we opened a "Matrimoney" account through Financial Plus Credit Union where people could deposit money towards our loan. We included this picture and when we intended to build, we really didn't need anything for the home since we lived together for 2 years prior to being married, so we asked that people would contribute to our account rather than buy us a gift, it worked out really well. So not only are we working out building details, we are hopping that a baby Ridley will be on the way soon too. Ever since I discovered Pinterest several months ago, I've had baby (& building) on the brain even more than normal since there are so many amazingly cute pins out there.

I should also mention that Joe and I were in a motorcycle accident about about 7 weeks ago. April Fool's Day to be exact. We were heading about 2 miles from our house to return a part to an auto parts store which shall not be named. We were at an intersection when a man heading south ran a red light, we were heading west & ended up t-boning his car. I was thrown about 15' from the bike/car & ended up with 5 broken bones & had to have surgery at Rush in Chicago on my tibal-plateau in my knee. I now have 2 screws in my knee holding the bones/PCL tendon in place. Joe faired better than I did, he ended up with six stitches in his shin, but is still having pain in his neck, shoulder, & wrist. We are very lucky to say the least. I am still on crutches and a brace and I'm just dying to get off of them. It's definitely hard to perform normal day to day tasks, but I did see Eric Church in concert and made it onto the floor, & also was in a wedding this past weekend as a bridesmaid, and was able to make it down the aisle & stand at the ceremony. Here is a picture of us at the hospital the day of the accident, in good spirits by the end.