How far along? 15w2d
Total weight gain? I weighed 119 at my first OB appointmentMaternity clothes? I have been wearing some jeans I got & they are the shit. I'm heading out of town next week and hoping to pick up a couple extra pairs at Old Navy and H&M, I also have some maternity leggings that are awesome.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Sleep has been good, but I get up a lot to pee!Best moment this week? Already breaking my bank to buy stuff for baby GIRL. My mom bought us our crib on Saturday and I love it! You can find it here.
Miss anything? Not a thing really. I do miss the occasional beer or glass of wine. We went to a show this past weekend to watch a few bands and it kinda sucks being like the ONLY sober person there, but it's not a big deal. Also, this was will call weekend for our wine club, I'm still an active member getting my 2 bottles every other month, I just can't indulge in them yet. I'm going to have an awesome stock pile after baby arrives.
Movement? Nothing yet, but hopefully soon.
Food cravings? Sweets still as always. I got the OK from my doc to have a hot dog whenever I'd like as long as it's cooked so after my appointment I went and got a coney dog (bbq & a hot dog) right away and it was delicious!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Have you started to show yet? Yes, I have officially started to show a little bit, I still think its a combo of baby & food.
Gender prediction? It's a girl!
Labor Signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody? Feeling much happier than I was my first trimester
Looking forward to? We don't have much coming up as far as doctors appointments or ultrasounds, but I did get a doppler from a friend that should be arriving this week. My doc (midwife) said its perfectly fine and safe to use, especially if it's going to give me some peace of mind. The rug for the nursery should also be here this week which I am so pumped about. It's definitely going to be the focal point of the room. I can't wait to see it.
What wine club are you a part of?
ReplyDeleteI am loving your bump! It's crazy how much I peed at night... it's those things you start to forget until you are reminded.
I love that our new weeks start on the same day (I was 24 weeks and 2 days yesterday). Jesse and I are going to an I heart the 90's concert Wednesday night (I'm so hoping I can squeeze in a quick nap before the concert b/c it's late and I usually get ready for bed around the time it starts). Jesse definitely plans on getting drunk, so I'm definitely going to be jealous and it's not necessarily fun driving your wasted fiance home lol but little girl is worth it! I'm warning you now, it is going to be extremely difficult to try to hold yourself back from buying tons of girl stuff- especially clothes. My family keeps going overboard buying Rory clothes too. Thank God she has a big closet!
I'm so excited for you, Lena - I can't wait to see how the nursery comes out :)
ReplyDeleteLove your bump!! A wine club sounds dreamy :) Ok so next up...names!!! Are you going to tell people ahead of time or wait until she is here?
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the exact same thing....a wine stockpile could actually be a THING if I can't drink it!!
ReplyDeleteLove H&Ms maternity pants. Definitely my favorite and can't believe I didn't get them with my first son. You will have lots of wine for when baby girl arrives. Can't wait to see the finish nursery.
ReplyDeleteOld navy has some great (and affordable) maternity clothes! I love the crib! How sweet of your mom to purchase it for you!
ReplyDeleteoh how exciting about the doppler! is that so you can do ultrasound thingys on your phone?
ReplyDeletethat crib is gorgeous! i want it.