How far along? 31w3d
Gender: Girl
Weight Gain? 25ish pounds
Maternity Clothes? Lots of maternity clothes mixed in with regular stuff still.
Stretch Marks? None!
Belly button in or out? Flat
Sleep: Still hit or miss, sometimes I sleep great other times I am up all night tossing and turning or having a tough time falling asleep. I've been having restless legs every once in awhile as well which is seriously horrible! Worst feeling ever. Congestion has me rolling over from side to side too, I need to change up my oils in my diffuser to something that might keep me clear.
Best moment this week: A long holiday weekend is always a good thing! We got the Christmas stuff taken down, Joe's made a ton of progress on the basement (we are partially finishing it now), I spent my day off yesterday boiling pump parts & pacifiers, catching up on some blog articles & books that I've been wanting to read about birth & parenting, & just trying to get myself prepared as much as humanly possible. We had a fun NYE with friends, our nieces turned one so we spent the afternoon at their birthday party and then had dinner with our friends, we didn't quite make it to midnight but we were close enough!
Symptoms: Fatigue, back pain, weight gain, some restlessness at night, other than that still pretty minimal as far as symptoms are concerned.
Miss Anything? Being comfortable & able to breath & move easily. At my doctors appointment this past week the midwife said that she thinks baby might be somewhat transverse although head down so she's making her way into the right direction. I talked to my doula about it who is certified in Spinning Babies and we are going to work on some techniques for positioning. I've also been working on my breathing exercise & listening to hypnobirthing tracks on iTunes.
Movement? Still tons of funny movements, I love watching her roll around. I'm constantly pressing and poking at her, it's so strange to feel a tiny human body inside of your belly.
Cravings? I seriously am still on this sweets kick. The other day I had a craving for a chocolate donut that was so strong I had my coworker go to a bakery and grab one for me that instant. It was DELISH.
Queasy or sick? Noting at all!
Looking forward to? Another short week which is great! Also expecting my dress for my shower & maternity photos to come in this week which I am so pumped about! I ordered the Halo bassinet from Kohl's this past weekend because I had $55 in Kohl's cash so I'm excited to get that all set up. My shower is about 3 weeks away so I'm getting really excited for that, I cannot wait to finish up the nursery.
You look beautiful! I can't wait for Georgia's big arrival!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see all of your photos and your dress!
ReplyDeleteYou look great, Mama! Can't believe you're in the single weeks countdown now!
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing and beautiful!