One. Scarves
I bought some really great scarves this year at Charming Charlie, Kohls, & Target. Now that it’s not hotter than Hades outside, I’ve been able to sport them more often! From skulls, stripes, solids, & sparkles, there are tons of cute ones out there. I like to pair them with a tank top & shorts for a cute summer look, or just a plain black t-shirt, skinnies, & heels for a work look. I bought the pink skull scarf at target & BONUS, it was 50% off! They’re a great way to transition into a fall look too!
Two. Moscow Mules
If you follow me on Instagram (lenaridley) then you already know my obsession with these. These drinks are the PERFECT summer drink. Refreshing, bubbly, & cold. If they aren’t served in a copper cup, then they aren’t worth drinking. We actually had them on our ski trip back in February too, they’re really appropriate to drink any time of year. I’m hoping to get my hands on (or maybe ask for a Christmas present) a set of cups & possibly even a matching pitcher, ca-ching, ca-ching! Many places will actually hold your ID as a deposit until the cup safely returned to the bar.
Recipe for the perfect Moscow Mule:
Two parts Vodka (preferably Absolut)
One part lime juice
3 parts ginger beer
Three. The Place Beyond the Pines
Who doesn’t love Ryan Gosling & Bradley Cooper? How about having them together in the same movie?! Not only are their good looks plenty of reason to watch it, (even with Ryan Gosling looking destitute) but the story was amazing & the acting was awesome. I love seeing Bradley Cooper do something serious. It was about 2 ½ hours long, but totally worth it. I don’t want to give too much away, but basically Ryan Gosling plays a criminal who robs banks to help with the cost of his baby & Bradley Cooper is a police office, their lives cross paths & what unfolds is pretty unbelievable. Great story, with a great ending. Watch it!
Four. Bike Trips
Really looking forward to a couple of trips we have planned on the bike. I would love if the weather would stay cool so I can layer up & leather up. Fall is the best time for riding. First we will be off to Minnesota on the 17th for a wedding. This wedding will be a ton of fun! We are planning to stop at New Glarus brewery on the way home which I’m really looking forward to. Second, Labor Day weekend we are planning to load up the bike with our camping gear and head to Poopy’s in Savanna for a couple days of tent camping & riding. We will probably visit Iron Horse where we renewed our vows last year for our one year anniversary, venture into Galena & Iowa for a while, & possible travel up into Wisconsin for a visit to New Diggins. Always love a good weekend bike trip.
Five. New Hair
My friend Jen is a FABULOUS hair stylist. Yesterday I got my hair done & I’m super pumped about the results. Lovin the copper, rose gold, & blonde. I’ve totally been reconsidering going quite a bit darker again once the fall rolls around. It’s been a few a couple months since I’ve done any drastic dark in my hair. Last summer I did a level 5 violet underneath along with some peekaboo highlights around my face. Thinking of maybe going back to that again for the fall!
not the best pic, but i absolutely LOVE the colors! yay for fall!
Happy weekend everyone!
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