Sunday, May 11, 2014

When you're not a Mother... On Mother's Day

First off,  Happy Mother's Day to my mom, step mom, & mother in law & all the other mothers and future mother's out there.  You all rock!

This day can be a challenge for an infertile woman.  I think many infertile women would say that they, of course, acknowledge Mother’s Day out of respect for their own & all of the other mother’s they have in their lives, but for some it can be a very painful day.
For me, personally, it doesn’t bother me all that much; at least I don’t think it does.  Although I’ve suspected for the last two Mother’s Days that I might have a hard time becoming a mother, this one will probably be the toughest because that suspicion has recently been confirmed.  I’m excited for Mother’s Day.  I got some great gifts for the moms in my life & I’m excited to celebrate what wonderful women they are.  I’m excited for my best friend to celebrate her very first Mother’s Day, and all the other mother’s that I know and respect.  They really do deserve more than just ONE DAY for the hard work that many mothers endure every day in raising their children. 
I have a feeling that it won’t turn out to be too bad of a day, but when I think about everything that has happened since October & the procedures that we’ve done and the hell we’ve gone through I’m reminded of that miscarriage that we had & what if it would’ve been a viable pregnancy, I would be around 5 months pregnant right now and expecting a baby later this summer.  And then I look back at the sentence that I just typed and I realized it has the two words “what if” in it.  How many times in life are we told not to worry about the “what if’s”?  And like so many other aspects of this journey, that is easier said than done.  I constantly think about what life would be like if we would’ve gotten pregnant right after we got married in 2011.  How different would our lives be right now?  Hell, we may even have had a second one on the way at this point. 
But then, at the same time I am reminded of all of the things we would’ve missed.  Would we have taken that cruise to Bermuda last year? Doubt it.  Would we have rode 900 miles on the bike in one weekend up to a wedding in Minnesota?  No way, we would’ve been stuffed in the car for 6 hours with a baby on board.  I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have loved it to be that way, I’m just saying that I accept the fact that we are where we are and I’m thankful for the things we’ve been able to do on a whim because we haven’t had our miracle yet.  And when we do I know we will both be more than happy to load up in the car rather than enjoy the freedom of the bike or plan a trip to Disney rather than one where we can lay on the beach drinking all day.  We will welcome those opportunities with open arms and I truly look forward to that day.
On this day, Mother’s Day, don’t feel sorry for me that I have not yet become a mother, be excited for me that I one day will become a mother.


  1. I do not feel sorry for you - I look up to you. You are such a wonderful, strong woman and will be an amazing mother. Happy mothers day to the mothers in your life! xoxo

  2. You're already celebrating Mother's Day in a have been (and will continue) to build a path of inspiration and strength for your future child(ren). They will be able to see the journey you took and know how much you sacrificed and went through to conceive them. Nothing says mother more than selfless! One day sweet friend! One day!

  3. Thinking of you!!! Happy Mothers Day xoxo

  4. They sent me this yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. Happy Mother's Day to the mother who holds her children in her hear and someday soon in her arms. I'm still holding on to faith and declaring that this will be your year and mine as well. Have a splendid week pretty lady xoxo

  5. This is a perfect post! I too would have been a mother in 1 month "if" the miscarriage didn't happen but I don't really even think much about that to be honest. It's not what was meant to be and there are better things ahead :) Happy Future Mother's Day to both of us!!

  6. Girl that last sentence just gave me the biggest smile. You are so positive girl!!! xoxoxoxo

  7. I love how positive you are!! So awesome! You will definitely be an amazing mother one day!

    <3, Pamela

  8. Hope you had a great day yesterday!!! Love your optimism.

  9. I hope you had a lovely day, regardless, Elena! You're going to be an AMAZING mother all in God's perfect timing :)

  10. Love that you are so positive my friend. Keep your head up...God knows your heart and he has his plan...big hugs

  11. That last sentence gave me goosebumps and I absolutely loved reading it and reading your blog in general. YOU are inspiring!


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