Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Right On Track: 1 Week Until FET #3

I had my ultrasound yesterday and my lining is right where it needs to be, at a perfect 12.75!  We are right on track for our transfer to happen on lucky 11/11 at 10:30.  I have high hopes for this transfer.  If this transfer doesn't work then we will be taking that infamous break, at least until next year if not until the house is done.  I feel differently about this cycle than I have any other, but when I look back on it, I've felt a little different with every cycle.  This one in particular though, I've been completely focused on so many other things like our house that I haven't had much time to let my mind wander into that abyss of negativity & doubt.  

One of my fellow Instgrammers (@ivfshannond) posted this about how our minds change & we get a little more lax with each cycle.  I couldn't agree more!  I actually forgot to take my Doxy for an entire day, I've slept through my Lupron alarm twice this round, my mind is just in other places and whole process becomes the norm, I don't have to think twice about an injection (maybe I should so I would remember!) I can't help but wonder if my mind being off of this cycle might help just a bit. It's funny how things change. 

 I have to give a special thanks to my dear friend, fellow blogger, and infertility conqueror, Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples, I came home after my doctors appointment to a thoughtful care package from her.  She's been a wealth of knowledge and a total inspiration to me and to many others in the world of TTC, thank you so much Jessah, you are a beautiful and thoughtful person!  I can't stress enough how much the TTC community & my TTC sisters have done for me.  The love and support I've been shown from women I've never met, from different countries, & different backgrounds is just surreal.

A week from today I'll be making my 3rd and hopefully final trip down to Rockford to have our frosty transferred back home.  I'm banking a lot on the saying "3rd times a charm" and that "11/11" might have some magical powers to it and praying that I finally have some good news to announce on Thanksgiving!


  1. Yayyy! Glad to hear your ultrasound went perfectly! And definitely glad you've been too busy to have any negativity this time! :) I can't wait for 11/11 for you! I'll be praying for you girl!

    <3, Pamela

  2. Great news to hear! I'm hoping being a bit sidetracked this time is helping level out your stress levels a bit and will have your uterus calling for that sweet frosty by name!!!! Wishing you the best of luck friend! Hoping for the best Thanksgiving yet!!!!

  3. Great news! I love your attitude towards this. Truly inspiring! Will be thinking of you!

  4. Everything sounds just perfect to me!! Praying for you :)

  5. Great news!! Wishing and hoping and fingers crossed that the 3rd times the charm for you!

  6. So many positive thoughts and prayers your way!!!

  7. 11/11 is an awesome date!!!! I will be praying for you!

  8. Good luck with everything, sending positive vibes your way!

  9. Sounds like everything is falling perfectly into place! I know I'll be thinking about you next Tuesday!

  10. Praying that 3rd time is a charm. It's funny because I literately missed two days of lupron shots.

  11. I'm going with 3rd times a charm for you too!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Pulling for you sweets! I'm glad you've had some good things going on to distract you from the cycle. Hoping 11/11 is a magical day for you <3

  14. Wishing that 11/11 is your day. I'll be praying for you as always.

  15. girl my thoughts and prayers are with you!! I have a feeling 3rd times a charm and 11/11 is in your favor!!! :)

  16. all my fingers and toes are crossed for you my dear. and i really mean it!!

  17. Hope this is it girl!!! Thinking of you over the next few days/weeks!!! Cooooome on babies!!!

  18. So great to hear everything is aligned where it needs to be! Praying praying praying!

  19. Praying so hard that this goes spectacularly for you and your hubby this time!

  20. Glad to hear your ultrasound went well! Hopefully the fact that you haven't focused on any negativity and you've been busy with the house and such, that it helps keep the positive outcome coming! Excited for you!


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