Monday, March 20, 2017

Newborn Photos

We got our newborn photos back of Georgia and they are so perfect!  I just love every one of them!  Joe wasn't able to be at the original photo shoot because of work so we went back this past weekend for some family photos we will be getting back soon, but I couldn't wait to share these!


  1. Oh I just want to squish her! haha I love the mermaid one that is too cute!

  2. These photos are beyond adorable! Georgia is really a beautiful baby.

  3. Oh my word! These are precious. What a doll she is.

  4. God bless your family!!!Pray this happiness stays with you forever.Georgia is super cute

  5. Oh my gosh, these are heaven!! I love them all and I hope they will all be framed in your beautiful home! So cute!!

  6. awwww these are so precious! that first one is a framer <3

  7. There are so many parenting tips out there it can be hard to get a good advice.


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