Recently, a friend of mine who is going to start going through IVF shortly & who has been sharing her journey on Facebook shared this article after I had just read on someone’s Instagram that one thing she attributes her IVF success to is laughter immediately following the transfer. This got me thinking about a few things I might do differently this time around and thought I’d share.
Laughter—if you remember from last time the day of the transfer I found out about 5 minutes before it was time to leave that Joe wasn't going to make it home from work in time. He works out in the middle of BFE most of the time in cornfields and on farms. He also usually works at least 30+ miles from home so it can be a challenge for him to get away. It was nothing that we could do anything about, but I was really upset the entire way there. I cried most of the way, (it’s an hour drive) and I was angry, hormonal, and frustrated, definitely not the way you want to go into an embryo transfer. What should've been a special moment was just really aggravating to me. For our next transfer on September 4th we will be sure that Joe is available so that I can be as relaxed as possible both on the way there and the way home. I’m planning to bring my iPad with so that I can turn on Netflix and get a few laughs from some Archer or Family Guy. I’ll put this article to the test.
seriously, when I think of clowns I think of Pennywise, not this super cute pink-haired clown with hearts on her face.
Stricter Bed Rest—although they say that bed rest can’t be directly linked to the success or failure of IVF, if the doctor recommends it, (which mine does) then I’m doing it. I had two days of bed rest last go-around which was plenty, but I did not do nearly as much relaxing, especially immediately following the transfer, as I should’ve. I was up and down the stairs trying to get cell phone service, I was lifting up the dog onto the bed for two day straight. He’s only 20 pounds, but that was my limit. I plan to be a little stricter on myself this next cycle.
Pineapple core—do you guys remember the review I did on The Fertility Advisor? If you’re looking for some real expertise on fertility, Smita is your girl. She is medically trained, and has gotten pregnant via IVF! She beat infertility! Back in late January I had a consultation with Smita and one of the things that she suggested was eating 5 pieces of pineapple, including the core, for 5 days after a transfer. Pineapple core contains bromelain which has been said to aid in implantation. Purely anecdotal, but worth a shot!
Acupuncture—I’m not 100% sold on this yet, but I do have an appointment on Monday in Peoria. It was also something that was recommended by The Fertility Advisor, but I wasn't ready to take her suggestion too seriously at that time. Now that I've gotten farther along on my journey, it is something to consider.
Diet—I won’t really do much different than I did for my last cycle. I do need to change my current eating habits because they’re horrible. Once I got that BFN all I wanted was a giant glass of wine & 5 slices of pizza. I’ve been carrying on with that more than I’d like to. I’m giving myself until the day I start Lupron injections, August 7th, to be lax on the diet, then I will continue a high protein/low carb diet. Lots of eggs, whole grains, leafy greens, fruits, veggies, etc. & will eliminate caffeine entirely.
Exercise—just like dieting, I won’t do much different than last cycle, but I do need to change my current exercise habits, because I have none. I hadn’t been to Curves in over 3 weeks. Tuesday was my first day back. After the transfer I will need to take another break.
Essential Oils--I've heard a lot about essential oils lately & I'm lucky enough to have a family member who sells them and uses them avidly & she's going to send me some samples. What really sold me was my girl Caroline at In Due Time shared some really interesting facts about oils and which oils are meant to treat fertility issues in women and men. For women, according to Caroline, Progessence Plus, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, & Endoflex are recommended and for men, Mister, Blue Idaho Spruce, Clary Sage, & Endoflex. If you'd like to know more about these oils and their benefits, check out Caroline's Blog. Also, this is a really good video that explains what essential oils are and their benefits, and the way that they treat infertility. They also discuss the importance of a well balanced diet for infertility treatment. It is a bit lengthy, over an hour, but well worth the watch if you have some extra time.
To some, these things might just sound silly, the might sound like quite a stretch, you might be skeptical of them. Pineapple core, completely anecdotal, & laughter after a transfer? If that’s the key to success, why aren’t all clinics equipped with a “humor clown”. I know that IVF success cannot be attributed directly to these things, but when you’ve been trying for three years, you’re willing to try anything. I remember before we were referred to an RE for infertility someone told me to stand on my head after sex, well, I was so desperate for something to work that I did it. In the middle of my living room I stood on my head and had Joe hold my legs. I don’t know if doing any of these things will truly help my cycle be successful, but I am willing to try just about anything.
I don't think they sound silly at all! My thought on it is if someone recommends it why not try it? It's not like it's going to hurt you to try it! I definitely think you need to rest and relax more this time around! Just take those 2 days to be completely pampered and waited on hand and foot! :) Let me know how you like acupuncture! I've totally thought about getting it done before. Good luck!!
ReplyDelete<3, Pamela
Anything is worth a shot. If it doesn't hinder your chances, then what's it hurt to try? Also, have you heard anything on Res Raspberry Leaf tea as an herbal supplement? Not sure if you're even allowed to take any supplements with everything going on but it is suppose to improve the health of the uterine lining. Thought it was appropriate to mention. I definitely believe it positive vibes, hoping Joe's presence alone is enough to secure this embryo!!!! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of these sound silly. girl I would be doing everything and anything if I read it worked for someone. fingers crossed for you!
ReplyDeleteAnything is worth a shot! I don't think you sound silly, I think you sound like someone who really wants to be a mom and will do anything to make that happen! Good luck and prayers for you!
ReplyDeleteNot silly at all!!!! Thanks for the shout out - so glad you are excited about oils!!! I think you will love them! Did you buy the Progessence already? I'm telling you the testimonies on it are incredible! Thanks for posting a link to the video - going to go listen now :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge proponent of eating healthy, exercising and acupuncture! You are doing everything right to make your body ready - excited for your upcoming transfer!
I don't think they sound silly at all! Excited for you and this next round!
ReplyDeleteNot silly at all, once you become pregnant and its that last few will pretty much do anything you read or hear induces labor. I ate an entire pineapple trying to go into labor. Although its on two very different ends of the spectrum I totally get this... dont feel silly!
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of these things are silly! I would absolutely try my best to do all the "right" things! That is really interesting about the pineapple and core! :)
ReplyDeleteWe have definitely tried the headstand thing... For what felt like 10 minutes! It didn't work for us either :) but I think those all sound like great ideas, nothing silly about it. Wishing the best for you!
ReplyDeleteI had a failed IVF in February and then a successful FET in May (I'm now 12.5 weeks along). With my IVF I didn't eat pineapple, do strict bedrest, or watch funny movies. My diet was alright and I walked a mile or two every day (when the meds weren't kickin my but!). With the FET I did eat the 5 pieces of pineapple core starting on the day of transfer, I had three days of rather strict bedrest, and we watched several funny movies and TV shows. If I ever do IVF/FET again, I"ll definitely do the same thing since it worked once before.
ReplyDeleteI totally did the pineapple core and acupuncture for my first FET and it worked!! This time aroun it didn't but it was attributed to my polyps. I say go for it!! I start Lupron two days before u.
ReplyDeleteNot silly at ALL! My RE said 3 days of bed rest and absolutely no stairs. They also recommended not making any adjustments to diet, exercise or supplements close to the transfer so your body is "stabilized" I tried all kinds of crazy things because you never know, right?! Can't hurt! :)
ReplyDeleteI think those sound like great ideas!! Can you schedule something super relaxing for the days after your transfer? Like a massage or pedicure or something? Maybe have some good movies to watch on the couch while you eat your pineapple? :) I know you don't need anymore advice (everyone offers SO MUCH ADVICE when you are TTC), but I think attitude/emotions can have such a huge impact on all parts of our lives, not just fertility. And I am always looking for more ways to relax. :)
ReplyDeleteYES I've tried standing on my head as well haha I don't think you're silly at all. I would and still am trying everything and anything I hear. I really hope this is your lucky cycle, good luck and lots of baby dust!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your last transfer was so rocky. My doctor said something that really hit me over the head like wow….he said that IVF success has everything to do with transferring a normal embryo into a hormonally perfect uterus. Nothing else you do is going to make a difference…transfer of abnormal embryo = BFN or miscarriage. Transfer normal embryo = success. Now it sounds too simple right? I don't know. I did the pineapple and acu…and I honestly believe I'd be pregnant without them. In fact, I couldn't get the whole pineapple so I just had juice and my acu wasn't relaxing so i cut it short. This very longwinded comment is just to say that I am starting to believe maybe he's right. Wouldn't it be nice if he was…that means none of this is in our hands. It will either work or not regardless of what we do.