Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Faves!

Woohoo!  Happy Friday lovelies!  I am so ready for the weekend!  Halfway through May already, can you believe it?!  I’m looking forward to a commitment-free weekend & spending time with my friends and family. 

Favorite Moment:
If you follow me on Instagram then you already saw we got our tattoos this week!  My cousin Logan and I both got my grandpas Navy tattoos and they turned out amazing!
so this one is mine and I'm sooooo in love!  It's perfect!

and this is my cousins! turned out equally amazing!

Honorable Mentions: I stopped BCP this week (mini-milestone #4 of 6 complete!) and I am anxiously awaiting (I hate to say that) AF to show up so that I can get the show on the road with my 6 week protocol!

House Update:
We have been getting hammered with rain here this last week and it has done nothing for our house situation.  Joe was off a couple days but couldn't work on the windows since it was raining.  He was able to get a bunch of trim up which I am definitely happy to see!  I love the way it turned out around our sliding glass door and windows.  He also got started on the banquette in the kitchen and it looks really good so far.  Now we need to pick out a fabric for the cushions so Joe’s mom can start making those for us. We also got the septic tank set & hooked up to the house! WOOHOO!! They still have to run the lines & the curtain drain, but we can flush the toilets and run the water!
Here's our kitchen bump out, Joe started on the banquette & got the windows trimmed out.  The seats of the banquette are on hinges so they lift up and we can use it as storage!

not really exciting, but here is our septic tank.

Favorite Purchase:
I ordered the perfect set of mala beads (commonly used to aid in prayer and meditation) from my new favorite store, OM Soul Shop this is the same place I got the Rose Quartz Druzy I had mentioned previously.  What really drew me to the mala bracelet was that it came with an angel card reading, a very gentle reading meant to be a positive way to connect with guidance, love, and support.  When I placed my order, the wonderful Brenda reached out to me and asked if I wanted any intentions with the bracelet.  I explained my infertility situation and that becoming a mother was the deepest desire of my soul.  I decided on the turquoise mala beads because it is one of the oldest protection stones and it's a stone that I've loved my whole life.  It promotes strength which I love and I feel is absolutely necessary for the journey of infertility.  When I received the package my heart was so full with what her note had said. she said when she went to do the reading, she was drawn to the very first card on the deck, it was the Answered Prayer card, which signifies that my prayers have been heard and will be answered.  I thought it was a truly amazing reading and I couldn't have asked for one better!

Favorite Work out:
I've been trying to practice yoga every day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes.  This week I did my first ever handstand inversion!  I couldn't believe I actually did it.  I am not very flexible at all so it takes a little more effort, but I am going to continue to practice it and hopefully perfect it as best I can.  I’m still doing the 30-day Yoga Challenge.

Favorite Thing I’m looking forward to: 
It’s going to be a quiet weekend and I’m totally OK with that.  Last weekend was a complete blur with all of my family in town for my grandpa’s funeral and Mother’s Day celebrations.  This weekend I plan on doing a lot of moving and cleaning at the new house.  We also have Will Call for our Wine Club this weekend which is always a pleasure!  Looking forward to whatever the pairing is and trying their new infused wine and most importantly, looking forward to catching up with my bestie, I haven’t seen her in weeks!  Also looking forward to a couple quiet weekends coming up, especially Memorial Day weekend next week.  Although we aren’t doing out Annual Ridley Camp Out Extravaganza this year, we may have a low-key bon fire or maybe head to my aunts camper for at least a night and maybe even get a trip on the bike!


  1. Your new tattoo is beautiful!! I love it girl. I hear you on the quiet weekend, I love when we don't have major plans. Enjoy it XO

  2. Your new tattoo is amazing! It turned out so great! And love your new mala beads! What a sweet note too! Hope it stops raining for you guys soon! Have a great weekend!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. Wow the tattoos came out great! What made you get them? I've been wanting to get a tattoo but am too gun shy to do it completely.

    And your house is really starting to come together. Have a great weekend!

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  4. Rain rain go away! Ugh! It's the middle of May and its still pouring what is going on here?? Love the tattoo and the meaning behind it. Enjoy ur quiet weekend hope u get a lot of stuff done.

  5. huge congrats on your handstand - seriously, i can't even get my legs up. goals! lol. the kitchen bumpout looks fabulous, and i love the storage under the benches!! and mini-milestone #4 of 6 completed!! how exciting! :) oh and your alls tattoos look amazing!! have a good weekend doll!

  6. Ahh wish the rain would stop for you so yall could get finished with the house! We keep getting hang up after hang up with our house. We haven't even broken ground and it's already so frustrating! Yay for mini-milestones! So excited for you!

  7. Love the tattoo!! So excited for you to get this IVF cycle going!!

  8. Love those mala beads and all the meaning & emotion that come with them. I had never heard of them before!

  9. I am in love with all your tattoos that I've seen, your house is turning out amazingly beautiful, I am so excited on this new IVF cycle. This is it I'm positive just keep positive vibes and can I say OMG I'm loving your mala beads. I was so curious to go into the website and now I want one lol. Hope you don't mind. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. First, your tattoo is gorgeous. I love the old-school, classic style tattoos like yours. Second, the bracelet is beautiful (turquoise is my favorite too) and I really hope and pray that it helps to bring you what you need and want in life-what you no doubt deserve. Third, CONGRATS on the headstand. I haven't done Yoga in about six-months, but I always wanted to try that pose but didn't know where to start. I've been thinking about doing some Pilates/Yoga lately so I think this post is a sign I need to get my butt in gear! I hope your weekend was lovely and that your week ahead is filled with happiness:)

  11. Congrats on the inversion! That's one area of yoga that I still have a mental block about, I just don't love the sensation of being upside down but I'm working to get over that hump. Hope you're having a great weekend!


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