Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Making progress...

On Friday I started using my OPK because I thought that I was on about day 10 of my cycle & I would probably be ovulating soon. Joe and I thought maybe we could try naturally since we haven’t since I had the endo removed back in October. We planned the BD & I started using an app called Ovia to help me keep track of my cycle. I figured by Sunday the 12th I would get my :-) , but I didn’t, I got a plain old O, I kind of shrugged it off & thought maybe Monday. So bright and early Monday morning I tested again thinking today would be the day, but low & behold, another O. I was thoroughly confused, I noticed Sunday I began spotting quite a bit too, but I thought because of all of the hormones I’ve pumped in my body & then the loss of the pregnancy, my uterus was just taking out its anger & frustration in its own way, well, by the time I got to work I realized that AF had decided to make her appearance.

One of the hormones that I have to use on a daily basis after the IUI is progesterone. If the pregnancy were to carry through, I would take the progesterone until 10 weeks, but if it doesn’t then you stop the meds & AF will show her ugly face when you least expect it. I knew this from the first IUI I had, but I thought that the bleeding I was experiencing in the beginning of the month was dear AF, wrong! I called the doctor’s office right away & she said she could get me in on Tuesday afternoon to get my baseline ultrasound done & she would order the necessary meds for me. I talked to Joe and we agreed to go ahead and start round 3. I finally started to feel like I had a little luck on my side.

I immediately shared the news with those closest to my heart, mom, best friends, etc.  I like to keep them all in the loop because I know they're rooting for us about as much as we are for ourselves!  I have to say, I have the sweetest & most genuine family & friends that one could ever ask for.  It brings tears to my eyes sometimes the things that people say & the things that they do for us.  I probably sound like a broken record on this topic, but I can't stress enough the importance of a support system.  It's an absolute must-have if you are going to come out on top of this crazy thing called infertility.  You will never beat it alone.

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this, but I just can't be more proud to call this girl my friend.  She is going to be an awesome mom & I'm so glad that we still have the friendship that we do that started back in 8th grade when we liked the same boy.  Thank you Jen, love you so much.  

We headed down to Peoria Tuesday afternoon, I was even more confused because by Monday afternoon AF had stopped so I really had no idea where I was in my cycle. They did an ultrasound & found that I still had fluid & that my old follicles (what they were referring to as "cysts") were still present. They decided I needed to be put back on the pill for two weeks before we could start injections again to make sure that I am primed for follicle stimulation. I was a little disappointed, but schedule-wise, it puts us right where we thought we would be anyway. Confusion is a word that I myself, along with my nearest & dearest have used to describe what this whole process has been like & I'm sure my body is feeling the same way. It's practically impossible to keep track of anything, but I feel safe in the hands of my amazing doctor and his team of nurses.

I am trying to keep an optomistic outlook on this next round, as hard as it will be to handle another let down, if that is the case, this could also be the outcome we are looking for as well. We came oh-so close this last time around, I'm hoping, as the old saying goes, 3rd times a charm!


  1. It's really not fair how confusing our bodies can be! Sending all kinds of signals at the same time, it's like geez, make up your mind already! Sending some good thoughts your way girl! :)

    1. I agree, a woman's body is complicated enough without all these extra additives!! Lol. But thank you for the good thoughts! Xoxo!

  2. Best of luck this round Elena! I will be thinking and praying for you! Let Mel now if you need anything!

  3. Rooting for you! 3rd time is the charm!!!

  4. TTC can definitely mess with your head, but it sounds like you have an awesome team of doctors! Hopefully this next round is THE ONE! Will be thinking about & praying for you!

    1. We are bosons blessed with our doctor and his team, thank you for the prayers!

  5. Praying girlie!!! What an awesome support system you have! xx

    1. I am lucky to have not only amazing friends and family, but also all of you sweet fellow bloggers who have been so supportive as well. Thank you! Xoxo

  6. What a wonderful friend! I hope third time is a charm for you, Elena!

    1. She is wonderful. Thank you, hope all is going well with you!! Xoxo

  7. That's awesome to have friends like that!!! I'll be praying for you!! :)

  8. You are getting SO close, Elena! I have a good feeling about this third cycle! BIG hugs and many, many prayers!

    1. Thank you, feeling good and optimistic about this next and hopefully final round!


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