Friday, April 04, 2014

Five on Friday

One. Making Progress
Monday’s appointment went well! The cyst has decreased in size and I’m slated to start injections tonight! We decreased my dose this time back down to 75mg instead of the 100mg. The first time I used injectable meds I used 75mg for 5 days and got a positive, but short-lived pregnancy result. Last time I used 100mg and had so many follicles that we had to cancel. I’m really hoping that decreasing the dose and adding an extra day will be the perfect combination to get us where we need to be. I’m really hoping that this is it for us.

Two. How I Met Your Mother Finale
Joe and I started watching HIMYM back in 2009 when we first got Netflix. We were obsessed with it and watched like 7 seasons in a month or something ridiculous like that. Since then we’ve been watching the new seasons as they air and Monday night was the SERIES FINALE. It was really good, very sad, lots of tears, but lots of good moments too. I don’t want to say too much in case some of you haven’t seen it, but it had a pleasant twist at the end! Can’t believe it’s over.

Three. Weekend
This weekend my best friend/SIL is coming home with her family to celebrate her daughter Jocelyn’s 7th birthday and I can’t wait. I’m going to take Joc for a manicure and pedicure for her birthday present. I’m pretty excited to get some pampering done myself. My toes are in desperate need of some fresh spring polish! I imagine we will spend the rest of the weekend working on getting our house packed up. We’re very close to being done. If all goes according to plan then we will probably be moving out the weekend of Easter.

Four. Cauliflower Chowder
I made this awesome cauliflower chowder this week and it was amazing!!  I substituted corn for carrots (not a big fan of cooked carrots) and added shredded chicken in mine.  I have a husband with a very large appetite so the heartier I can make something, the better.  Definitely going to be one of my go-to's.  It wasn't complicated, it didn't take long, it was filling, and most importantly, it was pretty healthy.  Majority of vegetables, about 2 tbsp of butter, probably the unhealthiest part about it, and I used 1% milk.  Also, I added the bacon while simmering instead of using it as a garnish and I added some shredded cheese on top!

Five. Progress on the House
Things with the house are moving slowly, but surely. Right now we are working on our sworn statement which is basically an itemized list of our subcontractors and how much we will be paying them. It goes to the title company who disburses the payments. It has to be very detailed and exact. We can’t start our appraisal until that is completed and approved. Joe has been spending some time out at the property measuring things out and working on clearing the area still. I’m getting really anxious to see this project start.

little exterior inspiration for you...


  1. Good luck mamacita with your meds. And that cauliflower chowder looks amazing. I'm going to have to try these foods you are posting.

  2. LOVING that home exterior! And I need to join you and Jocelyn on your mani/pedi date... my nails need some serious TLC!

  3. Yay for things moving along; good luck this cycle! And that home exterior is sooo beautiful!!!

  4. that house is goooorgeous. and yay for progress + good news :)

  5. Glad to hear good news and so glad you get to have some pampering! (I want to come!!) Hope you have a fabulous weekend pretty lady!!

  6. fingers cross the lower dosage will be better! ;)

  7. This may sound weird but I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TO BE INJECTED. :) And really great gift idea for the wee one. QUALITY TIME + PAMPERING and you can't go wrong. :)

  8. Yay! So excited things are going so well for you this month, and my fingers and toes are crossed for you to get a BFP and a healthy, beautiful baby! So exciting all that's going on with your house too...I love the inspiration! Are you sure you're not building "my" dream home?? ;)


  9. I think you are one of the few people who thought the ending to HIMYM was good! I didn't watch it, but I totally expected it

  10. That chowder sounds ahmazing! And they are calling for rain this weekend... Sounds like a perfect fit!

  11. Wonderful news that you can begin tonight!! I'll be thinking of you this weekend!

  12. Love the exterior inspiration! And that chowder looks super yummy, I think I'm going to have to make some of that! mmm mm. Fingers crossed for the right combination this time.

  13. Anything that has added bacon and cheese I'm so down with. #One...fingers crossed!!!! :-)

  14. Oooh! I love your exterior inspiration! It's going to be so beautiful! That califlower chowder looks and sounds so yummy! :) Good luck with your injections! :)

  15. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who cried during the HIMYM finale!!!!


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